Blueprint Tools


Speaker Configurator: BLUEPRINTs | Data Tables

This is a basic product configurator. The user is able to switch the materials of elements of the product by clicking on them, which in turn affects the data in the product description and the price calculation. The user is also able to change the audio track, the background colour, and toggle between 6 views of the product. The project is a ‘best practice’ blueprint class for sending references between the speaker blueprint, the speaker logic blueprint which deals with most interaction, the HUD blueprint and the level blueprint. It also brings in CSV files and applies them to data tables using data structures. A list of the main steps in completing this project is here and playable version is here.



The camera stage controller is a character class blueprint to create a Virtual Camera which is linked to an HTC Vive wand for realtime tracking data. It has a CineCamera with a VCam component including a Steadicam feature to dampen the sensitivity of the tracker, using a blueprint shared by On Set Facilities. It modifies a TPS character blueprint so you can navigate around a virtual set using an XBOX controller, whilst toggling the Vive wand on/off. This enables you to set up your camera position, focal length and aperture ahead of capturing a shot with Take Recorder.


This is a blueprint system applied onto an existing level that allows the user to change the colour of specific materials in the scene via a UI Widget. At runtime, it disables the FPS controller when the menu bar is enabled so the scene is static, and the colour change is achieved by using a Material Parameter Collection for the Base Colour in the Master Material, which is assigned to a button in the Widget.