Unity Certified Associate

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Like a significant number of entertainment professionals, I have virtualised over the pandemic and continue to radically cross specialise into the production of high fidelity virtual environments, experiences and interactions.

This is a massive topic: it is about delicately weaving together the genres of theatre, cinematics, XR and games into one dissoluble product, and it is with great thanks to #UnityTechnologies and their onboarding of people like me over the past 3 months to make the start of this journey possible.

Completion of the Unity Certified Associate programme gave me the foundational skills in video game design and development, providing training in all the key disciplines via the professional grade Zombie Toys level prototype, enabling the critical thinking to set my own path.

“With Unity Certified Associate Courseware, you can learn the Unity platform and game development fundamentals from the trenches by following the production of a working game from concept all the way through to publishing. Learn about the job roles and skills most essential to game production, and gain Unity experience that directly maps to preparation for the Unity Certified Associate Exam. Build a working game. Develop an end-to-end understanding of game production with Unity by building Zombie Toys, a third-person, 3D, survival arcade game. Learn hands-on as you execute game development tasks along with the videos - from importing assets, to scripting behaviour, to building the game for publication.” (citation, Unity Technologies)