Coca Cola be active: sochi Winter Olympics 2014

A showcase event for Coca Cola to stand out within the Russian marketplace, the Be Active Pavilion was a participatory experience for spectators on the Olympic Park. 

Within the first of two domes it invited the consumer to learn the history of Coca Cola through a series of museum style interactives, then it presented the opportunity to have a photo taken with the Olympic Torch via a bespoke automated green screen system. The experience was underpinned with a QR code wristband system to scan and track users through the experiences and deliver them unique content post event, including their photo with the torch. The spectator transitioned into Dome 2 through the Video Chamber, a room providing a cinematic experience and automated reveal sequence to the second zone, the Be Active Dome. The Be Active Dome took its concept and appearance from active brand communication in Russia. It invited the spectator to participate in the themes through a series of live interactions and digital games. The experience naturally culminated with delivery of a perfect serve Cola Cola in a unique collectable alu bottle!

As both the technical director and project lead for the production and delivery of the project, I worked intensively for a 12 month period from the initial RFP submission for HEART Productions to project completion on the ground in Sochi over a 60 day period. I assembled the production team to produce and export the pavilion as a permanent UK export to Russia and deliver it on the ground in Sochi for the Olympics. I selected and directed the supply chain which included the temporary structure, tourable scenic fit out, lighting, sound, audio visual systems, graphics, digital & interactive technologies, event logistics and overlay/services.

As a collaboration between US agency Ignition and UK agency HEART Productions, the project was nominated for 'Best International Event' at the Event Awards in 2014 in London and featured in Standout Magazine.